
Protestantism encompasses the forms of Christian faith and practice that originated with the doctrines of the Reformation, rejecting papal authority and doctrine.

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Amsterdam Canal Ring Oude Kerk (1306) - oldest building of the city, originally a catholic church but turned protestant in 1578 after some fierce iconoclasm
As-Salt An Anglican Church was built in 1867 (AB ev)
Beemster Polder Contains a Mennonite church
Bridgetown Calvary Moravian Church
Canterbury Anglicanism
Causses and Cévennes In the 16th century Protestantism spread into the Cévennes along the trade routes from Geneva. Many merchants, traders and craftsmen became converts, forming islands of Protestantism amidst Catholic farmers. (AB ev)
Churches of Peace Lutheran churches
City of Luxembourg "Trinity Church, also known as the Protestant Church, has been used since 1817 for Protestant services in the city of Luxembourg. It is located on Rue de la Congrégation in the old town."
Colonies of Benevolence The Veenhuizen Colony has "a Dutch Reformed church dating from 1825 (...) The interior and exterior of the (...) church are untouched." In Wilhelminaoord as well, there is a former Dutch reformed church with rectory. (Nomination file, p. 66, 119, 146)
Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape Gwennap Pit (situated within the Gwennap mining district) was used by John Wesley, the founder of "Methodism" as a preaching site 18 times between 1776 and 1789. It has since become a Methodist "shrine". See
Edinburgh St Giles "Cathedral" (Presbyterianism)
Gammelstad Betel Chapel (now the tourist info) was used by the Baptist congregation around the turn of the 20th century.
Grand Place, Brussels In 1523, the first protestants were killed on the pyre here
Graz the Landhaus was created as an architectural counter-weight against the Protestant political class against the Grazer Burg of the catholic ruler; the Protestant Foundation became a dominant force in Graz until the Counter-Reformation in 1600
Great Spa Towns of Europe Bad Ems is described as a mainly "Protestant spa", which also provided for the religious needs of its Catholic guests. "The Evangelical church in Mariánské Lázně served a protestant congregation". "In Baden-Baden's new nineteenth century spa quarter the neo-gothic Protestant church is a significant landmark with its two tall spires." There is also a Protestant temple in Spa, which was "the first Anglican temple on the continent", and Protestant churches in Baden bei Wien and Bad Kissingen. (Nomination File, p. 64, 69, 83, 103, 237)
Hallstatt-Dachstein Protestant church
Hildesheim Cathedral and Church It is now a Lutheran church, since 1542
Jelling The church is in use by the Evangelical Lutheran Danish Church
Luther Memorials Launching of Reformation
Maulbronn Monastery "The Duke of W?rttemberg seized the Cistercian monastery in 1504 and built his hunting lodge and stables there. Half a century later, the former abbey was given over to a Protestant seminary, currently known as the Evangelical Seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren, which has occupied it ever since. The Protestant clerics adapted the monastic buildings for their own needs, e.g., they rebuilt the refectory." (Wiki)
Mexico City and Xochimilco • Catedral de San José de Gracia, at Mesones #139, was originally the chapel of the Beatería Santa Mónica, a house for "abandoned" women and poor widows, and then of the Conceptionist Santa María de Gracia convent. The construction of the modern building was started in 1659. After the impact of the liberal laws of the 1860s, the temple was acquired by a Catholic reformist congregation, the "Iglesia de Jesús". It has been the Cathedral of the Anglican communion since 1933. The church also stands out for its library.
Moravian Church Settlements Founded by the Moravian Church
Naumburg Cathedral With the Reformation, Naumburg and its cathedral became Protestant. Naumburg Cathedral remains a Protestant parish church to this day. (wiki)
Nice The former episcopalian Church of the Holy Spirit is since 2013 the headquarters of the United Protestant Church of France. + Temple vaudois, a former protestant temple. (Nomination file, p. 71, 81)
Nord-Pas de Calais Mining Basin 1360-071 Temple protestant
Old Town Lunenburg Home to the Oldest continuous worshipping Lutheran and Presbyterian Congregations in Canada, both having been founded in 1753.
Paramaribo Reformed Church (1837)
Petäjävesi Old Church It's a Lutheran country church
Quedlinburg Quedlinburg Abbey and the female secular monastery became protestant in 1539. All other churches followed.
Rammelsberg and Goslar Goslar: Walkenried monastery (from 1546). The Kapitelsaal became a protestant church in 1570.
Regensburg Regensburg was the southernmost protestant city in Germany, it has prominent protestant churches (Trinity Church and Neupfarrkirche) and it was influential in spreading protestantism to neighbouring countries
Roskilde Cathedral Fomer Catholic Cathedral turned into Protestant Church after Reformation
Saltaire United Reform Church (Originally "Congregational")
St. Kilda "In 1822, the Reverend John MacDonald, a renowned evangelical preacher, the 'Apostle of the North', visited St. Kilda. He set about the foundations of a puritanical religion, built upon by the Reverend Neil MacKenzie who arrived as resident minister in 1830." (AB ev)
Strasbourg Lutheranism left a strong footprint on Strasbourg, and the Cathedral was protestant until 1681. St. Thomas now is the main protestant church.
The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales Numerous - the little village of "Bethesda" conains a "Jerusalem Chapel" (Built for "Calvanist Methodists" and now Welsh Presbyterian), "Bethania Chapel" and "Bethesda Chapel" (both Welsh Independent Congregational) and Christ Church (Anglican)
Torun Tumult of Thorn
Valparaiso Saint Paul's Anglican Church. "The exceptional historic value of this building is closely related to its austerity, determined by the context in which it was built, when the ban on the public exercise of different creeds other than the Catholic was in full force. This church, of neo-Romanesque and neo-Gothic features, sought to keep a low profile by means of an horizontal design, the absence of a tower, the lateral accesses and the low fence that surrounds it." (Nom File)
Vienna Reformierte Stadtkirche
Wachau Cultural Landscape Schloss Spitz 1613-1720
Wartburg Castle
Willemstad Although Curacao is mainly Catholic (73%), the Fort Church in Punda is the home of the United Protestant Church of Curaçao in the Netherlands Antilles. It was constructed between 1767 and 1771.
Wooden Churches of the Slovak Carpathians Kezmarok church is Lutheran


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